Repackage yourself

SpeakingOfWealth.comSpeaking of Wealth recently discussed using the knowledge in your head to become a speaker, publisher, or consultant. The next issue to address is exactly how to get the information out to your public. There are so many ways – website, blog, newsletter, books, podcasts, video, webinars – the list could go on but you get the idea. cisco 700-505

To the budding entrepreneur, the task at hand in filling all or even some of those venues with content is daunting. That’s where repackaging comes in. You don’t need to (and shouldn’t) create entirely new content from scratch for every different product you have on the market. Here’s an example of repackaging.

Let’s say you’ve been producing a successful audio podcast for several years. Why not take the transcripts of the show and put them into ebook format? Or a hard cover book? Compact disks? You’ve got a ready made audience for the new products. A certain percentage of loyal listeners who already love the show will be glad to have the chance to buy the material packaged differently.

Another way would be to take snippets of the audio content to put in your weekly newsletter. Imagination is the only limit here. First you need to get busy creating content based around the knowledge you already have. After that, repackage, repackage, repackage.

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Flickr / derrickkwa