Successful Content Marketing on Pinterest

Even with Pinterest’s recent rise in popularity, many still aren’t aware of its marketing capabilities, what it is, or what it can do. Pinterest can be defined as a pin-board style photo sharing website which allows users to share theme-based images and image-driven content. So how can Pinterest be used to promote your content? Keep reading to learn.

The Growing Popularity of Pinterest

According to Shareholic’s recent traffic source breakdown, Pinterest is gaining popularity, and fast! From May to June this year, Pinterest traffic has grown an astonishing 43.37%, and another 15.97% from June to July. This means it might be time to take a closer look at Pinterest, and how you can take advantage of it to promote the majority of your content.

Pinterest Friendly Content

Because Pinterest is largely image-driven, you might be wondering what kind of content can be shared. The truth is, just about anything, so long as there’s an image to go with it. Even if there isn’t one, it’s always possible to repurpose content into Pinterest-friendly format. Here are some examples of great content for Pinterest:

  • Instructional videos, fun videos, and video blogs.
  • Infographics.
  • Blog Posts
  • Images with Quotes
  • Books
  • Images with Facts

Jason Hartman believes in the famous marketing proverb, “content is king”, a rule with just as much meaning on Pinterest. Make sure all the content you share is relevant, interesting, and helpful to a potential visitor.

Making Successful Pins

One of the most important aspects of being successful on Pinterest involves making theme-based boards. Once a board is created, be sure to stick to its theme and include useful content. It’s also important to make sure all links are working properly and leading back to your content.

Re-pinning, liking, and commenting on other pins can help you gain social standing on Pinterest, but some caution should be exercised whenever you re-pin content. Be sure to only re-pin helpful content which is beneficial to your followers. Hashtags, like in Twitter, are a great promotional tool. Include a hashtag or two and an interesting description on every pin to gain a following. Here are some other things you can try:

  • Create a series of facts or quotes to go along with your images.
  • Create or re-pin helpful infographics.
  • Promote your peers by making a board for their content and creating a beneficial relationship.
  • Promote events and conferences.
  • Share any resources you find interesting and are relevant to your board.
  • Provide tips, advice, and how-to’s.
  • Pin about books.
  • Pin about videos.

With these tips you can begin experimenting with Pinterest to see how it benefits your content. Are there any Pinterest strategies not listed above you know and love? Feel free to tell us in the comments! (Top Image: Flickr |

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