Build the Best Brand for Your Content

Regardless of if you’re starting a podcast, a blog, or a business, branding is important. A powerful brand can create strong influence in any niche. Keep reading to learn how to build the best brand possible.

Choose a Niche and Be Yourself

Once you decide to start a podcast, blog, or business, it’s important to choose a niche. While Jason Hartman chose real estate investment as his primary niche, you may instead choose scrapbooking. Whatever the niche, it should be something you feel passionate about. Ultimately, your brand should be about you. The primary goal is to sell yourself to the audience. If the audience doesn’t like you, they’re probably not going to like your brand. Therefore, be passionate about your niche. The audience will sense your enthusiasm.

Create a Logo and a Tagline

Whatever the niche, a brand needs to be unique. The right brand will be able to change over time if need be. Like the brand, a good logo should be flexible enough to bend with changing needs. A logo should accomplish these things:

It will fit your niche.

It will suit your business, blogging, or podcasting needs.

It will identify your brand.

It will communicate with your target audience.

It’s a good idea to have a tagline to go with the logo. The tagline should accomplish all of the above, but it should also tell a story about the brand your followers will remember.

Reach Out to the Innovators

Almost every niche out there has innovators, or people who set trends and have influence in a chosen niche. It’s helpful to reach out to these innovators, because they can help reach a target audience. Try to get innovators to remember your brand, because they can do wonders to spread the word and build your following. Though you may need to take some extra steps to reach these innovators, it’s well worth the effort.

Think of Your Audience

Your followers are a powerful branding tool. So, make an effort to reach out to the audience and please them. Invite feedback of any kind, and try to improve their personal experience in any way possible. Going out of your way to please one or more followers will make them feel special, and they’ll remember you for it.

Still not sure what branding can do for you? Read Become the Brand of Choice: Make Your Name a Powerful Brand and Earn Millions. (Top Image:Flickr | Andrewrennie)

The Speaking of Wealth Team